Our focus is finding your root cause
Our Approach To Your Optimal Wellness
We are here to generate a program best suited to you and your needs – we pride ourselves on creating the best route to take you all the way to your optimal health destination! Our uniquely created comprehensive programs are entirely functional and are catered to support your immune system, gut health, methylation pathways, mitochondrial function and detoxification.
Our specialism is to ultimately calm the inflammation that is breeding your autoimmunity or chronic illness and discover whether sensitivity to gluten is contributing to your overall health concerns. This is an important factor as it is a large contributor to autoimmune disease overall. In addition, as mentioned on the previous page, we will support you and provide accountability through the hardest of moments during your journey.
Under the definition, autoimmunity is the overall response of an organism against healthy cells, tissues and other constituents of the body. The diseases that result in such an imbalanced immune response are labelled an ‘autoimmune disease’ – some examples of these are Rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s disease and Lupus.
When expressing an autoimmune disorder, the body reacts in a foreign sense. This is because your immune system can no longer determine between what is healthy (YOU) and what can be potentially harmful. This ultimately results in the body wrongly attacking its normal tissue.
In an expected immune response, when the body feels a sense of danger from a virus or an infection, it responds rapidly and attacks it to silence the threat. However, when body cannot determine the “bad from good”, one’s own body tissue gets attacked and subsequently, destroyed.
Gluten Sensitivity
Chronic illness
When something is chronic it means that it is a condition or disease that is long-lasting and persistent. When using the word chronic in a medical sense, it often refers to diseases that last for more than three months.
Many diseases that are classified as chronic, are actually caused by behaviors that are risky. This can include smoking, exposure to smoke, stress or perceived stress, poor diet, lack of exercise and overall exposure to infections, viruses and toxins such as glyphosate and mold.
When working towards optimal health, it is a priority to create a plan that excludes or modifies risky behaviors that are not serving your body as your health is of the utmost importance. Our program accomplishes this by educating and providing community for our clients that will keep you motivated to reach your optimal level of health!