Our mission is to help women overcome chronic illness and auto-immunity

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We're Passionate About Optimizing Wellness

Our passion and knowledge are both strengths that we bring to the table when optimizing your wellness! We desire to be your guidance, safety net and partner as we take you on a journey to absolute optimal health. What sets us apart from the rest?

We go above, beyond and even further than anyone has ever gone before – we want to find the beginning of the beginning and the root cause of the root cause. This is done by a combination of advanced functional testing and routine comprehensive blood work thats purpose is to uproot anything that tries to hide. 

Our highly functional and advanced methods, as well as intimate knowledge of your personal case, will assist in our understanding of anything that may have been overlooked in the past. Overall, this knowledge will have a dramatic impact on your general health and quality of life.

We are very much aware that not everyone fits perfectly under the same category, therefore we pride ourselves on providing a unique and high-quality care experience for all of our participants. Health is a great concept and is not just defined by disease, it is the ultimate presence of vitality and the best version of yourself. Let us all work hand in hand to piece together the jigsaw puzzle of your health and ultimately optimize your wellness!

Do you have any of these symptoms?


Gas/Bloating, Stomach Pain

Gas, bloating and stomach pain can often be indicative that something is not quite right. The symptoms of gas can range from mild to severe, which if ignored long enough, may result in severe consequences such as destruction of the lining of your intestine. We understand that this may be difficult to deal with – which is why we are available to you to support you on your journey to optimal health!

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Unusual Rashes

Autoimmune conditions and poor gut health can make your skin break out into unusual rashes. This is often triggered by inflammation in your body or a sign that you liver is overwhelmed. Since your optimal health is our goal, we wish to be able to set you en route on a path of optimization.

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Migraines / Headaches

Migraines and headaches are some of the more common and debilitating symptoms of any disease – especially an autoimmune-related one. Anything that causes inflammation in the body can greatly affect your mitochondrial ( “cell powerhouses”) function. It is frustrating to say the least, to try and understand where the headaches are stemming from in the first place. Let us help!

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Infertility/Hormone Imbalance

Infertility or hormone imbalance may result from expressing an autoimmune condition. Hormone imbalance often presents with: hot flashes, irritability and irregular and/or painful periods, even hair loss. Sadly, when your body expresses this condition, it does raise the risk of infertility by ultimately affecting the quality of egg production from the ovaries.

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Chronic Fatigue

Many autoimmune diseases can leave you feeling chronically fatigued and it is definitely one of the most common symptoms amongst the women affected. The severity of the fatigue can vary depending on the person and their ability to repair.

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Joint Pain

Autoimmune diseases are essentially when the immune system begins to attack itself. In regards to chronic joint pain, when the immune system begins to attack itself, it results in the inflammation of joints which can cause pain, stiffness and even mobility problems.

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Mood Disorders

Often times with the imbalances that accompany an autoimmune disease or chronic inflammation, one experiences mood changes or irritability. Anxiety or depression, or even a combination of both, are frequent symptoms of hormone imbalance. It is important to know that it is not ” all in your head” and that there is hope for improvement.

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Functional Medicine

Functional Medicine addresses the underlying causes of disease as opposed to the traditional approach of treating the symptoms.  In the functional medicine model, practitioners spend time with their patients, listening to their histories and looking at the interactions among genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors that can influence long-term health and complex, chronic diseases. This therapeutic relationship is so important.

The majority of health problems are known as “chronic” or “degenerative” diseases, meaning they accumulate over time, slowly dampening our overall quality of life. Functional medicine is an evolution in the practice of medicine that better addresses these specific needs. By shifting the traditional disease-centered focus of medical practice to a more patient-centered approach, functional medicine addresses the whole person, not just an isolated set of symptoms.

Common health problems are actually SYMPTOMS of imbalances. They generally are not diseases that can be permanently resolved by taking medication.  Arthritis, chronic pain, depression, fatigue, headaches, hormonal problems, memory loss, obesity, poor digestion, and more can ALL be traced back to imbalances in the biological systems of the body:

* Assimilation  ( Digestion, Absorption, Microbiota/GI, Respiration )
* Defense & Repair ( Immune system, Inflammatory processes, Infection & microbiota )
* Energy (Energy regulation, Mitochondrial function)
* Bio-transformation & Elimination (Toxicity, Detoxification)
* Communication ( Endocrine, Neurotransmitters, immune messengers, Cognition )
* Transport ( Cardiovascular, Lymphatic systems )
* Structural Integrity (from the sub-cellular membranes to the musculoskeletal system)

Functional medicine also addresses lifestyle and environmental factors which could be contributing to symptoms, such as:

*  Sleep & Relaxation
*  Exercise / Movement
*  Nutrition / Hydration
*  Stress / Resilience
*  Trauma
*  Environmental Pollutants

Taking all of these factors and biological processes into consideration,
functional medicine treats the root imbalance for permanent, maintainable, resolution.

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