wellness-revealed-now-practitioner chamber

My personal message

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I'm a very passionate person and a little "feisty" as well :)

When I believe in something, I put my whole heart and soul into achieving it. That goes the same for my clients.

I grew up in the Southtowns of Buffalo, NY, where I was raised as an only child living with my parents on 50 acres of land. I knew that I wanted to practice medicine and was ultimately lead down a path to become a Physician Assistant. I completed my Bachelors of Science and Physician Assistant studies via the Unversity At Buffalo and LeMoyne College in Syracuse, NY. Subsequently, I moved to Virginia Beach to begin my career and that is where I planted my “roots”. I have been practicing for over 20 years in the fields of Orthopedics, Pediatric Orthopedics (CHKD) and Emergency Medicine. It was in the Emergency Department that my passion for Functional Medicine was sparked. I began seeing an influx of young women, aged 30-60 with multiple chronic complaints and diagnoses of not one but two, and sometimes three, autoimmune conditions at once! If they weren’t yet diagnosed, they were exhibiting many of the symptoms consistent with an inflammatory condition. This weighed heavily on me, and I could no longer sit back and take a naïve approach.

So, here I am, passionate about the care I can provide to someone like you who may be suffering from an Autoimmune condition or the many symptoms of one. I’m here to tell you that the diagnosis you may have been given, despite what you may have been told, DOES NOT have to define you or your wellbeing! This life is your journey, I’m just here to accompany you while you reveal your wellness!! I can’t wait to come along!

–I am a Certified Physician Assistant (PA-C) trained and certified in Functional Medicine through the Institute of Functional Medicine (IFMCP), Functional Medicine Fast Track (FMFT) with Garric Vosloo, Certified Gluten Free Practitioner (CGP) through Dr. Tom O’Bryan

–I am a member of the Institute of Functional Medicine (IFM), National Commision on Certification of Physician Assistants (NCCPA), Academy of Physician Assistants (AAPA), Virgina Academy of Physician Assistants (VAPA)

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