wellness-revealed-now-our-focus-practitioner chatting with a patient

What happens next?

Your Personalized Case Review

Here at Wellness Revealed, we make your optimal health journey our complete priority. We are entirely determined to find the causation of any health issues that you may have and re-route you onto a path of health. It is of great importance that we all have awareness of the history of your health story as it is the master key to the door of medical truths!

When we review your personal case, we will be able to create something amazing! From our findings, we can formulate a list of recommendations for appropriate functional diagnostic laboratory tests that will be able to identify the areas that need to be addressed. These can be areas of imbalance and/or deficiency, and from this information, we will be able to build a plan to reach the summit of your optimal health state.

Just one visit will open your eyes to a great amount of valuable information! We will make sure that you understand every detail of your own medical journey.

Your Report of Findings

Once we obtain the results of your labs or advanced functional medicine tests, we discuss them in great detail and create an understanding of your overall health. We make sure to indicate the meaning of the tests that we have run and why they matter to you and your journey to reaching optimal health. Your understanding is the most important aspect of this- as it is all about bettering yourself and adapting to a better lifestyle and health plan.

This plan will be entirely designed and customized for you and your body based upon your lab results and the health conditions identified. Our unbelievable eye for detail and our amazing ability to incorporate all of your results and reports should impress you. All of a sudden you will have more of the answers that you have been looking for in front of you! An investment in your health, is one you should be excited about!

A plan, a partnership, a guide and a happier life at the end of the road. What more could you need? Your optimal health is exactly what we are aiming for and will work with you until we reach it.

Customized Eating Plan

We will also provide you with a customized eating plan which is entirely based upon your medical assessment and lab results. This plan consists of a customized meal plan as well as a supplementation plan designed specifically for you! This rarely includes “micros and macros” unless requested. Our ability to put so much detail and attention into your medical plan will amaze you! We will make sure that you are taking the correct supplements, as well as a perfectly balanced diet that suits your nutritional needs entirely.

Customized Detoxification Plan

Unique testing allows us to identify the underlying toxins and infections impeding your progress. Custom designed detox remedies stimulate the body’s own detoxification and healing processes safely and effectively when your body is well supported and ready to proceed.

Progress Tracking

With the use of your input and answers to our routine questionnaires, we are able to track your progress. With our laboratory tests and in-person provider and/or health coach/ nutritionist visits, we are always making sure that you are going in the right direction. We are able to constantly track and make adjustments, when necessary, throughout your program.

Concierge Support

Have you ever struggled to try to get in contact with a medical professional? Well, worry no longer! We pride ourselves on being available to you around the clock. While participating in one of our programs, our professional team will provide exceptional service directly to you at a rapid pace via phone, email or text message. Better communication means better results!


We also provide both live and pre-recorded videos that you can access via a private Facebook group to ask questions and find the answers that you are looking for. This includes a weekly Q&A!

Long Term Relationship

We are able to provide you with the best benefits you have ever seen! We want you to enjoy the benefits of your individual and unique program for the rest of your life. This is because your health is a lifelong element of you and we wish for you to maintain it forever.

Stress Management

Stress is not going away. You may have been told to “decrease your stress” by a friend or healthcare provider, only to be left scratching your head. We offer education and provide emphasis on how to manage your stress. It is known that our mental/ emotional/spiritual health can have a dramatic impact on our physical health.

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